ICAEA Conference
Preventing Runway Incursions - The importance of Prepositions
Inconsistent ICAO/EASA ELP Testing
Achieved Level 5 - Now a new flying job !!!
Another Level 5!
Mis-Communication during emergency Situation
A summer of Flight Cancellations – The other side of the story
Is your Aviation English good enough?? - Is your FCL 055 or ICAO ELP due for renewal??
NEW Web Site!! New look; New classroom - but still the Same great teachers and service!
First Student to take test in 2022 - LEVEL 6
First Students enrolled and now training under new French training regulations
Authorised by "France Compétences"
QUALIOPI Accredited
Contracted by Air France to provide training
Approved to provide training funded by CPF
Air France Flight Crew Licensing Course
Air France Voice Leadership Course