FCL 0.55 Exam Preparation
20 Hours - a 10 hour course is also available
Service Description
This Aviation English Course is designed for pilots who are taking the DGAC FCL 0.55 Exam and need to maintain their ICAO Level 4 or higher. However, the focus of the course is on giving the pilots the tools they need to be able to give a clear and accurate description of an aeronautical event (FCL Exam Part 2) using a wide range of vocabulary and grammar. The Course consists of 5 Modules containing 4 one to one lessons (1 hour each) providing a total of 20 hours of tuition. Within each module, 3 lessons will include a listening exercise in the form of an ATC broadcast, the discussion of an article and a variety of exercises to practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. The remaining lesson will focus on FCL Exam practise and improving language skills according to the individual pilot’s needs. The lessons have been designed to allow the pilots to practise their aeronautical and plain English based on the 6 ICAO Descriptors: pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and interaction. A Range of authentic material from the industry provides the basis for English language improvement and the development of confident communication skills within a Virtual Classroom. A shortened 10 hour version of this course is also available as a refresher course. Please contact us for further information Objectives: Give a description of an aeronautical event (as per the Air France FCL exam) - Communicate more confidently during all phases of the flight - Understand and use a wide range of terminology and phrases from the aviation industry - Use plain English during unusual aeronautical situations - Improve their understanding of ATC communications at international airports - Gain and expand their knowledge of aeronautical vocabulary - Improve their fluency and pronunciation Assessment: Each participant will receive: - Training Needs Analyses - An indication of their ICAO ELP Level provided by our in-house ICAO ELP Raters - Placement Test Content: - Module 1 Take Off - Module 2 Cruise - Module 3 Approach and Landing - Module 4 On the Ground - Module 5 Weather
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24-hours in advance
Contact Details
+33 6 38184090
655 Rte de Lavit, Poupas, France